Piano Level 2 Help


Crotchet or Quarter Note Rest

This rest is worth 1 beat

Minim or Half Note Rest

This rest is worth 2 beats. 

Semibreve Rest or Whole Note Rest or Bar Rest

This symbol means either rest for 4 beats or rest for the entire bar. 

Dotted Crotchet or Dotted Quarter Note

This note is worth 1 and a half  beats

Quaver or Eighth Note

This note is worth half a beat.

Chord or Triad of C Major

Play the notes C, E and G together in the right hand.

Chord or Triad of C Major

Play the notes C, E and G together in the left hand.

Chord or Triad of G7

Play the notes D, F and G together in the right hand.

Chord or Triad of G7

Play the notes D, F and G together in the left hand.

Key Signature of F Major

Every B is played as a B flat. In Level 2 if you see one flat in the key signature, you are in the key of F Major.

Key Signature of G Major

Every F is played as an F sharp. In Level 2 if you see one sharp in the key signature, you are in the key of G Major.