Piano Learning Resources

Welcome to Piano Learning Resources for the Beginner. I have provided clear explanations for each of the 4 piano levels to help you understand how to read piano sheet music. The musical notes and symbols req are defined you will need at that level. Below are diagrams and downloads to assist your learning.

Icon Description


Aim to sit with a straight back with both feet resting on the floor. Make sure your waist is level with the top of the piano keys. Adjust your seat if necessary.


Have a direct light above your sheet music so that you can read clearly. Whether you have printed out the music onto paper, or you are reading from a mobile device, having a direct light avoids eye strain.

Curved Hands

Imagine that you have half an orange in your hand! That is the perfect shape to play the piano. Press each curved finger down from the knuckle to play the individual keys. Also make sure your thumbs are always on the white keys.


Legato is an Italian musical term which means play the notes smooth and joined. To do this treat each finger as a seesaw. Rock and join one finger to the next, creating a smooth legato sound.


A metronome is a device to help you play in time. The metronome ticks at a steady beat which you set. Dance music is generally 120 BPM (beats per minute). Aim to practice at a slower steady speed until you are familiar with the piece. Tip: Always count yourself in!


Using your eyes efficiently is probably the most important part of reading piano sheet music. The aim is to read both sets of notes (for left and right hand) equally. This is called “saw tooth” reading where your eyes move up and down. Always look forward and avoid looking at the piano except where necessary.


Always aim to make the best use of your practice time. Create a loop of one or two difficult bars. Practice the loop until you can play it correctly three times in a row. Then create another loop and repeat the process.

Level 1 Help Arriving very soon!
LArriving very soon!LArriving very soon!

Music Theory Quizzes

Music theory quizzes are to test your understanding of music theory.

Downloads and Piano Learning Resources

PDF documents of helpful resources and audio tracks.

Piano Manuscript Paper Grand Staff 12 Stave Manuscript Paper Download

Piano Manuscript Paper Grand Staff 10 Stave Manuscript Paper Download

Circle of Fifths Circle of Fifths Download

Assessing Your Skill Level Beginner Piano assessing your level Download

Drum Tracks

Drum tracks at different tempos will help you play in time and have fun while you practice.

Drum Tracks Waltz 140 BPM Waltz 140 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Waltz 120 BPM Waltz 120 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 130 BPM Rock Drums 130 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 120 BPM Rock Drums 120 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 110 BPM Rock Drums 110 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 100 BPM Rock Drums 100 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 90 BPM Rock Drums 90 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 80 BPM Rock Drums 80 BPM Download

Drum Tracks Rock Drums 70 BPM Rock Drums 70 BPM Download

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