Piano Sheet Music

If you are a beginner, choosing the right level of piano sheet music can be a tricky business! Much published music is misleadingly labelled “For the beginner” or “Easy piano” when in reality it is too complex.

The music should be easy to follow and involve just a small amount of hand to hand coordination to build confidence.

To make it playable for the beginner, the number of sharps or flats in the key signature should be no more than two. Ideally when the left hand is playing single notes, it remains within a 5 note range on the piano. If the left hand is playing chords, these should be simple and no more than 3 different chords per piece.

Piano sheet music

Piano sheet music is an instruction manual on how to play piano music.

What makes my piano sheet music different is the wealth of experience I have gained from 34 years of teaching, being a professional pianist and arranger.

Piano Tutor Books

Real Piano Player tutor books are the definitive guide to playing the piano AND reading music. Each of the six books in the series contains approximately 32 pieces of music.

The books are available for the first time as a digital download, complete with mp3 recordings of each piece, from the shop.

A Map for Music

Sheet Music Map

At the top of each piece you will see a musical “map”. This shows the piano note names linked directly to the notes on the stave. This way, you can find out what the note is if you get lost!

All music is sold with an audio file so that you can hear how the piece should sound. I always recommend reading the music first. This will improve your sight reading skills.

The range of Piano Sheet Music For Beginners can be anything from simple arrangements of classical music to Christmas carols and original compositions.

Coming soon in 2019 will be a brand new range of Blues Piano Sheet Music For Beginners.

Assessing you Level

So here you are, all geared up ready to learn the piano. You have your keyboard or piano, a seat at the right height and sufficient time in the week to practice. Now what you need is the right piano music!.

Many of my students have bought either a published book of Easy Piano Music or have downloaded Beginner Piano Sheet Music and have found it totally unsuitable for the beginner piano player.

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