“Stay Safe” Spring Piano Concert 2020

18 performances to enjoy. Click on any performer to watch their video.

To watch the next one, hit the BACK button 🙂

  • Andrea Monk “Welcome Video”
  • Rosalie Hayes
  • India Robinson
  • Maysie Farrant
  • Harry Hicks
  • Sue Deller
  • Rocco Griffiths
  • Billie Taylor
  • Alison Weston
  • Georgia Griffiths
  • Jo Wadsley
  • Zena Bell
  • Jasmine Halford
  • Dave Grier
  • Julie Haddleton
  • Andrew Davies
  • Eve Hancock
  • Jasmine Cruickshank
  • Andrea Monk
  • Feedback for performers

    “We both really enjoyed the concert – a great success – thank you.” Sue & Mike ??? ?

    “A great performance by everyone. And a huge well done to you for enabling, collating and distributing it all (although I suspect it was a lot more difficult than it sounds!!)” Julie

    “Dear Andrea, as discussed earlier today, I am sending you a short overview which doesn’t include individual critique. I loved the virtual concert, I found it a challenge to make a recording I was happy with, but I also felt it gave the opportunity to show off my piece, live performance can go wonderfully well, or horribly wrong, if it’s the later, the virtual concert gives the opportunity to redeem yourself !  It so so lovely to see all the usual performers,  and welcome some new ones too. Nice to see EVERYONE has upped their game, and the standards people presented has just get better and better esp the under 16s. Lets all celebrate our success and applaud our efforts. A big, big, BIG thank you to Andrea, for the many hours of work behind the scenes and the inspiring closing performance. My kind regards.” Jo Wadsley xx

    “I couldn’t agree with you ( Joanne )  more. I was going to try and critique each one, but everyone has done such  an amazing job, gold stars all round. Andrea is a legend as usual!
    If someone can finally get through to me, after 25yrs, they deserve a medal. The task of recording myself was very difficult. But after a bit of persistence, a video was made.  Congratulations everyone ? Thanks” Dave

    “Many thanks Andrea (maybe next year for me..) My feedback: you make it look so easy!
    Great arrangement of I Wish – you did him proud.” Marilyn

    “I have really enjoyed watching the concert.
    As an aged pupil but non-performer, I would be glad if you could pass on to your performers how full of admiration I am for them. Not only to perform but to cope with the tech world as well! And the younger ones who just get stuck in are inspirational. Thank you for the music!” Love Ruth

    Individual feedback from Nicky

    Rosalie Hayes
    Lovely confidence and timing. I thought that Rosalie caught the spirit of each piece very well.

    India Robinson
    India really stressed the beat well in this piece – very ‘army’ like!

    Maysie Farrant
    A lovely touch on the notes for the minuet as with ‘Happy and Free’ – gentle, thoughtful piano playing which was lovely to listen to.

    Harry Hicks
    A magical masterpiece from Harry! Very atmospheric. I enjoyed Michael Finnegan too and also remember singing this at school!

    Sue Deller
    I liked the way that the melody sang out in this piece – the dynamics were good too which helped create a lovely atmosphere.

    Rocco Griffiths
    Great rhythm in the blues song – I thought that the syncopation was great! Good finger work and timing in The Fireman too.

    Billie Taylor
    Super playing! I particularly liked the dynamics in the echo during this piece.

    Alison Weston
    I enjoyed this melody – it captured the film well.

    Georgia Griffiths
    I thought that the emotion was conveyed well in this piece. It had a good steady beat and the ritardando at the end was great!

    Jo Wadsley
    A great tune – the hands worked well together in this piece and the timing was good.

    Zena Bell
    Nice chord progressions and broken chords in this piece and the melody was emphasised well.

    Jasmine Halford
    A lovely soulful piece which Jasmine captured well. Some good emotion portrayed too – lovely clear playing of the melody; it really sang out.

    Dave Grier
    I love this piece! Super haunting – the mood was well captured by the pianist.

    Julie Haddleton
    Beautiful playing – emotional and melodic. I need to learn this one!

    Andrew Davies
    A lovely piece well played. I enjoyed the trills!

    Eve Hancock
    Good pendulum effect with the bass and a melody that sang out well. Lovely, natural piano playing. I enjoyed the piece immensely.

    Jasmine Cruickshank
    A good rhythm to both pieces and super hand synchronisation.

    Andrea Monk
    It was okay…
    …joking! Awesome, obviously! Love both pieces!

Andrea Monk

My name is Andrea Monk and I have been a piano teacher for 34 years. Professional musician and teacher

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