Here are a selection of drum tracks for you to play along with. They are grouped in 4 styles: rock, blues, waltz and techno. They range in speed from slow to fast, increasing by 5BPM (beats per minute). You can either play the drum tracks on the website or download them.
Piano Resources
Below are 2 different formats of manuscript paper available for you to download: landscape and portrait . The landscape paper has a treble clef and a bass clef already included. This is the format used for piano music. The portrait manuscript paper does not have any clefs written in. This […]
To get into a routine of practising the piano regularly, please download and print the practice journal below. Set yourself a target amount of minutes to practice per week and fill in on a daily basis. Recommended time: 15 minutes every day.
In music theory, the circle of fifths (also called the circle of fourths) is a visual aid to understanding keys. There are 12 individual notes on the piano keyboard: 7 white notes and 5 black notes. Each individual note has its own major and minor key. The circle of fifths […]