Sheet music is a written down version of music. It can be handwritten or printed. Sheet music uses standard music symbols to represent sound. These are called music notation. It is written on 5 horizontal lines called a stave or staff.

Sheet music uses standard music symbols to represent sound. These are called music notation. It is written on 5 horizontal lines called a stave or staff. Piano sheet music is written on two linked staves. This is called the grand stave. Both staves are read simultaneously.
The first printed sheet music made, with a printing press, appeared in 1473. Since the arrival of computers in the 1980s, it appears electronically on computer screens.
Sheet music includes melodies, rhythms, chords, performance markings and lyrics (if lyrics are used).
Sheet Music Arrangements
As part of my teaching, I arrange music to exactly match the level of each student’s playing. Here is an example of a simplified version I have produced of Nocturne Op.9 No.2 by Chopin. The original music is shown first and my arrangement is shown underneath. This arrangement is free to download.
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