I have arranged this beautiful slow piece by Chopin into the key of C Major. The left hand has been simplified so that you play broken major and minor chords. The chords are written in above each bar. Chopin Op.9 No. 2 is free to download
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Below are 2 different formats of manuscript paper available for you to download: landscape and portrait . The landscape paper has a treble clef and a bass clef already included. This is the format used for piano music. The portrait manuscript paper does not have any clefs written in. This […]
To get into a routine of practising the piano regularly, please download and print the practice journal below. Set yourself a target amount of minutes to practice per week and fill in on a daily basis. Recommended time: 15 minutes every day.
In music theory, the circle of fifths (also called the circle of fourths) is a visual aid to understanding keys. There are 12 individual notes on the piano keyboard: 7 white notes and 5 black notes. Each individual note has its own major and minor key. The circle of fifths […]