Piano Level 4 Help

Icon Description

4 Semiquavers or 4 Sixteenth Notes

Semiquavers are worth a quarter of a crotchet beat. To feel the rhythm, say: “Co-ca-co-la”

Pedal Marking

Press and hold the sustain pedal (if you have a choice of 2 pedals, the sustain pedal is the one on the right).

Pedal Change

Lift the sustain pedal and then put it down again. Aim to form a smooth continuous sound.

Pedal Lift

Lift the sustain pedal to release the sound.


A mordent is a musical ornament. It is used to decorate a particular note. To play a mordent you play: the note, the note above and then the original note again. If you play a mordent on the note “A“, play the notes “A B A” very quickly.